Software para Restaurantes, Retail y Gestión Empresarial
Conoce el software para punto de ventas en la nube más completo y con mayor tecnología
del mercado, con planes adaptables a las necesidades de tu negocio

Punto de venta de fácil uso

Punto de venta de fácil uso
Solución ideal para tu negocio, escalable, intuitivo y permite trabajar con varios puntos de venta

Funciona con o sin internet

Funciona con o sin internet
Puedes seguir trabajando en caso de desconexiones a internet sin perder tu productividad.

Actualizaciones gratuitas

Actualizaciones gratuitas
Actualizaciones gratuitas de las últimas novedades del software HIOPOS sin cargos adicionales.

Almacenamiento seguro en la nube

Almacenamiento seguro en la nube
Información siempre disponible en nuestra nube virtual y siempre con la máxima seguridad de tus datos.
You can improve the feedback process within your team and across a product
“The ability for them to grow with you is what makes them, I think, a great choice.”
Eloise Smith
Silver Technologies, Inc.


IntegradasWe help teams work more collaboratively
Dive into the details by adding comments, attachments, due dates, and more directly to the cards. Collaborate on projects from beginning to end. We’ve got the flexibility & features to fit any team’s style.
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Your information is 100% secure. We don’t do spam!

Explore which option is right for you
SilverTech is the easy, flexible, and visual way to manage your projects and organize anything
For individuals or teams
- Local payment methods
- Embeddable checkout
- Secure payment info
- Control payout timing
- Collaboration notes
- Cards and digital wallets
- Data security
- Invoice support
For individuals or teams
- Local payment methods
- Embeddable checkout
- Secure payment info
- Control payout timing
- Collaboration notes
- Cards and digital wallets
- Data security
- Invoice support
For individuals or teams
- Local payment methods
- Embeddable checkout
- Secure payment info
- Control payout timing
- Collaboration notes
- Cards and digital wallets
- Data security
- Invoice support